Enriched environments promotes develoment

Help your baby achieve their motor milestones 

How to provide your baby with the best possible environment for learning and reaching the important milestones

Pam Versfeld MSc (Physiotherapy) UCT

How to provide your baby with the best possible environment for learning and reaching the important milestones

In this article I look at the the importance of providing infants with a rich social and physical environment, especially those infants who are at risk for developmental delay and those that tend to be less active and miss out on learning from experience.

How infants use their hands to grow their brains 


Tips for training toddler fine motor (hand) tasks

Toddlers with movement difficulties (developmental delay, joint hypermobility, low muscle tone, developmental coordination disorder, autism, Down's) may need dedicated time and support for learning new hand (fine motor) tasks. 

Developmental Gym for Babies   
An online  guide for parents   Read more